Encuentro Mundial de Valores

Ivabelle Arroyo (Mexico)

Ivabelle Arroyo (Mexico)

Politician, journalist, reader, editor, liberal, democrat, teacher, student, curious.

Ivabelle is an entrepreneur, director of the digital newspaper El Andén and a specialist in politics in Mexico City.

She studied Political Science and Public Administration in the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the UNAM and she holds a master’s degree in Politics and Public Management from the Technological Institute of Higher Studies of the West.

At the beginning of her career she worked in the public service but was profiling her interest in the media where she has worked for several years in various newspapers and radio stations.

Publicado Hace 7 years
Encuentro Mundial de Valores - Todos los Derechos Reservados 2025   Sitio administrado por aVirtual