Encuentro Mundial de Valores

Jorge Atilano (Mexico)

Jorge Atilano (Mexico)

Born in Huatusco, Veracruz, Mexico, he has been a Jesuit since 1992. Studies: Philosophy and Social Sciences at ITESO (1994-1999); Theology at the UIA Mexico City (2001-2005), and Master in Social Ethics at the Alberto Hurtado University in Santiago, Chile (2013-2014).

He has worked on the following projects: Educational Project in Cuquío, Jalisco, from ACCEDE A.C. (1996-1999); Housing Project for Damnified Hurricane Mitch in El Progreso, Yoro, Honduras (1999-2001), and Director of the Jesuit Vocations Team of the Mexican Province (2005-2012). He published ethnographic research on the maras in Honduras in book In search of the lost fraternity (2001); He graduated in the master’s degree with the thesis “Strategies of public security policies, an analysis from the community approach”, and is co-author of the book “Reconstruction of the Social Fabric: A Bet on Peace” (2016). Various articles on security, drug trafficking and gangs.

Since 2016 he is Director of the Center for Research and Social Action “Jesuits for Peace”, from which he is promoting various peacebuilding processes nationwide.

Publicado Hace 5 years
Encuentro Mundial de Valores - Todos los Derechos Reservados 2025   Sitio administrado por aVirtual