Former President of Costa Rica 2010-2014
Political scientist, graduated from the University of Costa Rica with a Master’s degree in Public Politics from Georgetown University in the United States. She has dedicated her professional life to public service and the international sector.
At the age of 50, she was elected President of the Republic of Costa Rica on February 7, 2010, for a constitutional term of four years. She is the first Costa Rican woman ruler of that country. Her election to the Presidency of the Republic was preceded by a successful political and public service career which began as Minister of Public Security – the first woman to hold this position – between 1996 and 1998. In that position, she also served as President of the National Migration Council and the National Drug Council.
In 2002, she was elected deputy to the National Congress for a period of four years; as a congresswoman, she assumed the Presidency of the Legal Affairs and Drug Trafficking Commissions. In 2006, she was elected Vice President of the Republic and took over the Ministry of Justice. During her years of public service, she stood out for promoting various policies in citizen’s security area, these include the development of the country’s police services, changes to the criminal procedure and codes, laws against drug trafficking and organized crime, and methods of citizen participation in the fight against violence. One of her most outstanding achievements during her term as President of the Republic was the constant decrease in the main crime rates in Costa Rica, including homicides and feminicides.
She also promoted measures relating to institutional changes in the Costa Rican State, open government or digital government, the promotion of women’s rights, children’s protection and environmental sustainability. Her efforts in the last area, especially in the seas’ protection, earned her two major international awards: the 2011 Peter Benchley Award of Excellence in National Ocean Administration and the 2013 Shark Guardian of the Year Award.
In addition to her career in the Costa Rican public sector, Mrs. Chinchilla Miranda dedicated part of her professional career to the international field, to which she has returned after leaving the presidency of her country. She has worked as a consultant in Latin America and Africa with various international organizations in the area of institutional reform, with special emphasis on judicial reform and public security reform. Among the work done, the following stand out: the performance of justice sector diagnostics for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID); the coordination of studies and projects in the area of judicial reform for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and evaluations and advice on police and judicial reform for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
She has been part of several initiatives that promote reforms in the area of citizen security and human rights in Latin America. She has also been a speaker at various conferences on security and justice, institutional reform and governance, gender and equity. She has several articles, both in Spanish and English, on issues related to the administration of justice, citizen security and police reform.
She holds Doctorates Honoris Causa from the United Nations University for Peace, Georgetown University, and the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, and is a member of prestigious initiatives promoting international dialogue and cooperation
such as the Club of Madrid, the Inter-American Dialogue and the Euroamerican Foundation.
Recently, she has led the Electoral Observation Commission of the Organization of American States for the elections in Mexico 2015, she leads a diagnosis on the states’ rights in Guatemala and is a guest professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey and Georgetown University.