Encuentro Mundial de Valores

Lorena Guillé (México)

Es una intraemprendedora que ha dedicado su vida a la responsabilidad social corporativa, la inversión social, al liderazgo de próxima generación y a los derechos humanos.

Después de liderar la responsabilidad social de Cinépolis y Fundación Cinépolis durante más de 14 años, donde diseñó diversos programas sociales de alto impacto social, beneficiando a miles de personas en situación vulnerable, Lorena se unió a Fundación FEMSA como su Directora en abril de 2020.

Lorena es ingeniera industrial y de sistemas y tiene una maestría en política pública y administración por el Tec de Monterrey, así como estudios en la Kennedy School of Government, Harvard  Business School e INSEAD.

Es miembro del Global Philanthropist Circle y del Nexus Global Youth Summit. Sirve como miembro del Consejo de la US-Mexico Foundation así como en consejos del Tec de Monterrey, Pacto por la Primera Infancia, el Unreasonable Institute México y la Fundación Ramón Vargas.  Es Fellow 2019-2020 del Foro Internacional de Mujeres y se une por nominación a la Liga de Intraemprendedores (Generación 2020). Ha sido reconocida como un Talento Ascendente en el Foro de Mujeres (París, 2017), Intraemprendedora del Año por la Universidad Anáhuac (México, 2015), y una de las 50 y 100 mujeres más influyentes en México por Forbes Magazine (México, 2016-2018

Publicado Hace 4 years

Lorena Guille (Mexico)

Lorena is a passionate intrapreneur devoted to philanthropy, CSR, human rights, and emerging leadership.

At the age of 18, she started pursuing with enthusiasm a positive change in the world. Lorena actively participated in the coordination of global conferences from 1998 to 2009 and was convinced of the contributions responsible companies can make to build equitable and fair environments, strengthen civil society and promote democratic and accountable governments. So she committed professionally to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

From PepsiCo Mexico to Cinépolis (the largest movie theater company in Latin America), and now at Fundación FEMSA, have built a liable career in philanthropy and CSR.

Lorena has led the systemic design of a visual health program, recognized by its effectiveness and collective action, that has enabled + 56k people from underserved communities to recover their sight (up to date), as well as the creation of sustainable and high impact social programs such as Ruta Cinépolis and the first International Human Rights Film Festival of Mexico, DH Fest, among others.

In 2019 she was elected a fellow of the International Women´s Forum and in 2020 as Fellow of The Global League of Intrapreneurs. She participate at the Global Philanthropist Circle since 2008, and Consejo Cívico Nuevo León (2021), and am a proud Board member of organizations she truly believe in, such as The US-Mexico Foundation, World Vision Mexico, and Fundación Ramón Vargas.

Lorena also has experience teaching and delivering conferences. She was a professor of the Master in Social Responsibility at the Latin American Center for Social Responsibility (CLARES) and has delivered over 100 expositions and conferences mainly promoting philanthropy, CSR, and a purpose-driven life in México, United States, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.

Lorena Guillé is also a happy Mom-preneur and wife, and a proud member of a beautiful constellation of dear friends and family that keeps growing.

Publicado Hace 4 years
Encuentro Mundial de Valores - Todos los Derechos Reservados 2025   Sitio administrado por aVirtual