Encuentro Mundial de Valores

Rev. Dr. Joan Brown (USA)

Rev. Dr. Joan Brown (USA)

Director of Religion Chautauqua Institution

The first ordained woman to be General Secretary of the National Council of the Churches. Is now the Director of Religion at the Chautauqua Institution.

The Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell is the Director of Religion at the Chautauqua Institution. Before coming to Chautauqua, Campbell, a distinguished life-long ecumenist, was the first ordained woman to serve as General Secretary of the National Council of the Churches of Christ. Prior to her time at the NCCC USA, Campbell served as Director of the U.S. Office of the World Council of Churches.

Campbell is an activist who believes deeply that in a democracy, citizens must act on their conscience. Campbell’s continuing commitment to world peace is reflected in her work with the Charter for Compassion. She serves as Chair of the Global Women’s Peace Initiative and the National Religious Partnership on the Enviornment.


In 2010 she was awarded the Walter Cronkite Faith and Freedom Award, and authored a book, “Living Into Hope: A Call to Spiritual Action for Such a Time as This.”

Publicado Hace 9 years
Encuentro Mundial de Valores - Todos los Derechos Reservados 2025   Sitio administrado por aVirtual